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Liudmila Matei


+44 (0) 771 589 56 24





London, United Kingdom


Hello! I'm Liudmila


And I untangle. Yes. As in, I free up from a tangled or twisted state. Make complex and complicated things, simple, easier to understand and deal with.


 I clean up mess.

I declutter. I repurpose. I de-construct, to re-construct.

No nonsense and no empty lingo.


Know though that I don't offer The-Magic-7-Step-In-7-Day-Route-To-Heaven type of guide. If that's what you are looking for, I love and respect you, but that's not me. 


What I bring to the party is sustainable. It's addressing the root cause not the symptoms. It's transformation and alignment at identity and purpose level. Because knowing who you are and why you are here is the ultimate power.

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Founder, Sr Lead Consultant, Executive Coach


In my everyday Consultancy and Coaching work I have a systemic approach, I demystify for my clients the complex business and marcom concepts, and I expose their fibs.

Bottom line, I take my clients on a journey of alignment to, and through, fundamentals: both of their business and marketing, and of their own purpose, values and identity.


These fundamentals are rooted in core human psychology and spirituality that we all access, therefore the result is a powerful business AND personal puzzle coming together. Naturally, and in a sustainable act.

Consequently, I empower leaders and their organisations to create authentic value and behaviours for both their market and employees.


My clients are those I-have-a-dream type with a powerful sense of contribution and accountability, and I am one of their biggest fans. To me they are those awoken everyday business heroes, the powerhouses of a conscious and social economy. No b-shit.


Have a look here at my most complex client and project in which I covered everything: new brand strategy, new brand identity, website, website copywriting, website video content, social media strategy, social media content, new social media manager training from zero, organisation design - process, job descriptions, performance management, hiring process, culture transformation elements, CEO executive coaching, group coaching for the senior management team. 

Yes. All of the above. 

"Success without fulfilment is the ultimate failure."- Tony Robbins 


Mentor, Executive Coach


I activate from London within the Romanian branch of IAA.

AcademIAA is the first transversal partnership organised between the academic field and MarCom industry in Romania. The mission is to grow academic students' professionalism and standards, while supporting their professional integration in the industry.

MentorIAA is the mentorship program part of AcademIAA, and it's a voluntary program.

I've been part of the Mentorship program since its first edition in 2017, offering intensive mentorship to 2-3 students for up to 3 months. However, I continue to provide mentorship to those interested, even after the official yearly phase of the program is closed. My passion is to plant healthy seeds, and feed healthy roots for the future professionals.

I organise, independently and additionally, online masterclasses, group coaching and webinars for my students.
My aim goes beyond providing a set of tools. I am interested in a mindset conversation with the MarCom professionals. So I tap into their potential and work at their identity level rather than offering only external answers through a tool-kit. 


I have in final stage of development an account management training program for the creative industry professionals, that has a core strategic & leadership backbone.

“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”- Margaret Mead


Partner, Marketing & Communication Director


An 8-week education program in entrepreneurship, that we've designed specially for teenagers in Romania. As we called it, a teenpreneurship program.
The program brought together key figures of the local business industry for 8 weekends of lectures, workshops and mentorship, and 25 selected teenagers that worked in 5 teams.

How it all started?
The Romanian teens, like any others, are disorientated, vulnerable, and under pressure. When coming to entrepreneurship, they don’t know what it actually is, and that in fact ANYONE can be an entrepreneur. That their hobby and talent can become their power. That essentially entrepreneurship is about monetising an idea, a talent, or a hobby. And we wanted to give Romania's teens this empowerment. Through a platform of inspiration, healthy guidance and solid tools they can use in creating their own source of independence and they can express their individuality and identity. Which is something they desperately seek in this moment of their life.
In other words, we wanted to demystify the world of entrepreneurship, and make it accessible to the fresh minds who could, through their actions, change the world.

It was a pilot project, in stand by for now due to various reasons. But still with resonance at the local level. In the past year, our teens have initiated their own projects and we are frequently contacted by big local advertisers for sponsorships and other forms of collaborations.

Get the full flavour, see all content:


Romanian business industry media:

I've been directly and solely in charge of the brand  and communication strategy, website design and copywriting, social media marketing strategy, social media content creation and management, events social media. 

JUN 2016-NOV 2016

Group Business Director, Head Of Account Management



I joined Vivid Brand (Publicis UK group) in a senior leadership double-role as both Group Business Director and Head of Account Management being part of the Senior management board.

With a vision that challenged the existing organisational culture, I was on a journey of redefining the fundamentals of the Account Management department in order to meet the business’ requirements.


I've pushed for the implementation of account management practices that reflect and reinforce client relationships based upon collaboration, trust and authority.


After only 2 weeks in my role I identified key business needs and restructured the team accordingly, re-allocating the clients while growing the team from 6 hearts (not heads!) to 11. That was a 1st in the history of the division as all the negotiations took place with Publicis's Head Quarter in Paris. I rewrote all of the departmental job descriptions and implemented personal development plans, which was also a 1st. 


I pushed heavily for coherence of business & account strategy via the development of client diagnosis and action plans. 


Put simply, I planned to implement an improved structure, processual discipline and informed decision-making.


Working very closely with the Strategic Planners and Creative Director, I aimed for an articulated vision of the agency, challenging Vivid’s creative product itself. In a world in which the new consumer is a ‘digital addict’ and the classic path to purchase is very old news, digital must be placed at the core of creative and strategic solutions. 


I also established and developed a healthy relationship with Procurement at one of the agency’s key clients - this was another 1st for the division. The improved relationship resulted in the receipt of several new business opportunities. 


This was all accomplished whilst securing a revenue of £3.4m.


The move to Vivid Brand / Publicis UK was a major decision after spending 10 years at BBDO, the biggest and most globally awarded advertising network in the world. 


JAN 2007-MAY 2016

Business Director, Strategy Deployment Director, European Agency Leader, Regional Account Director


(based in London and Bucharest while managing BBDO's global business)


I've spent the first 5 years at BBDO Romania overseeing 17 Central and East European markets for the network’s biggest client MARS Co, across Petcare and Chocolate categories. Very shortly after taking over the role I developed and deployed eight pan-European campaigns for Whiskas, the region’s biggest and newest brand that time, bringing its growth back on track, and contributing to the global business growth. 


I was relocated to AMV BBDO London, the central office, for 5 further years with my remit expanded to cover West Europe, making me responsible for 32 European markets and 8 Global brands.


Shortly after joining AMV London, I became instrumental in designing completely new ways of working for MARS-BBDO; a centralised Lead Agency Management model (LAM) for MARS Europe across four business-categories, impacting the global organisation. This was the most important organisational transformation that secured the consistency of brand communications at the global level whilst delivering the highest standards for the strategy & creative outcome. It equally saved major costs by avoiding duplication of work.


I worked cross-functionally with the most senior global stakeholders of both organisations (BBDO and MARS) across Marketing, Commercial and Operations. The development process took 1 year from the idea to the very last detail. 


Initially, until landing the new model safely, I led LAM for the biggest category, Petcare. Shortly after this I took over the leadership of all 4 segments - Petcare, Chocolate, Food and Gum- comprising 15 brands. This required building a new team of 10 from scratch and personally training the team to deliver the new capabilities.


By the end of 2014 I became Business Director for LAM, one of the most profitable pieces of BBDO’s global businesses, on their biggest network client.


Due to the success of the LAM model it has now been implemented in other regions by MARS whilst providing BBDO network with a new service to offer other clients. 


Whilst at AMV BBDO London 30% of my time was also allocated to the European Hewlett-Packard account and Johnson’s Baby EMEA region. On both clients I worked closely with the global teams in BBDO New York on the development and deployment of European campaigns. 

DEC 2005-DEC 2006

Client Service Director


My business building skills and entrepreneurial mindset were consolidated and demonstrated in a start-up creative boutique in Bucharest founded by a former JWT Senior stakeholder.  I led the Client Service Department in 2006 winning 10 pieces of new business inside 1 year with a relatively small team that I built and trained from ground. 


Account Supervisor, Account Manager, Account Executive


In massive love with brand strategy and storytelling, in only 4 years I've climbed the management ladder up to senior - mid management. From trainee level in only 3 months I ended up handling the 2nd biggest client of JWT Romania that time, Unilever. 2 years after I was handling both Unilever and the biggest agency account, Nestle Confectionary segment. 30% of my time was allocated to New Business and a set of other 4 smaller clients. A total of 11 brands, navigating the perks of senior client relationship, brand and account strategy, the granular details of project management and an average of 4 brand campaigns per year. 


I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
   Mark Twain 

Robbins-Madanes coaching program, 2018

Robbins-Madanes Training remains the most complete Coaching model available, with the most vanguard coaching methods in the world, creating breakthroughs that last.
I've been studying and using Tony Robbins's methods together with Chloe Madanes's systemic methodology since 2014.

Personal Finances and Investments, 2019 

This is an intensive 12-week course developed by two investment experts, entering the depths of financial psychology, portfolio management and investment strategies.  It is by all means a course combining the 'science of money' with the right mindset, and its applicability is directly connected to developing business and client portfolios strategy.  

Marie Forleo's copywriting program "Copy Cure", 2018 

Marie Forleo is an entrepreneur, writer and philanthropist. Named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation, Marie presents her award-winning online show, Marie TV and podcast to her 1.5 million fans around the world. She is the founder of B-School, a transformative online business school and she has mentored young business owners at the Richard Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship. is one of Forbes magazine's Top 100 Websites for Entrepreneurs and her work has appeared in Inc. magazine, Women's Health and Entrepreneur among others. Marie Forleo just released (Sept 2019) a new book, "Everything Is Figuroutable" that in only one week made it to No 1 New York Times's Best Seller. 

An entire MBA in one course,  2017

An Entire MBA In 1 Course ®  is a registered trademark of Haroun Education Ventures, Inc. It has over 200,000 students in 196 countries! It's one of the best and most complete business programs I've ever attended, teaching everything you need to know from start-up to IPO. The program is taught by Chris Haroun, award winning MBA professor with significant real world experience working at Goldman Sachs as well as in the venture capital, hedge fund such as Citadel and consulting industries, such as Accenture. He has founded several companies and sits on several boards. He's also the author of "101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School," which Forbes magazine called "1 of 6 books that all entrepreneurs need to read right now." Haroun Education has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Venture Beat, Business Insider, Wired, TEDx, CNN. 

Blue Ocean Strategy, self study program, 2017

The concept was developed by Harvard professors W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne and is the cornerstone of market-creating strategy. 

The concepts of red and blue oceans are elaborated in 'Blue Ocean Strategy – How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant'.

Recognised as one of the most iconic and impactful strategy books ever written, Blue Ocean Strategy argues that cut-throat competition results in nothing but a bloody red ocean of rivals fighting over a shrinking profit pool. It presents a systematic approach to making the competition irrelevant and outlines principles and a complete set of analytical tools and frameworks any organisation can use to formulate and execute a blue ocean strategic move.

SO ME Academy Certification, 2017

SO ME Academy is the UK's leading social media training organisation. They've  taught over 29,000 students and continue to keep their courses relevant and up to date. They are a privately held e-learning and education company set to equip you with the right tools for a winning social media marketing strategy and execution. 

A Course In Miracles - spiritual psychology and mindset transformation, ongoing study

A Course in Miracles (also referred to as ACIM or the Course) is a 1976 book written from 1965 to 1972 by psychologist Helen Schucman. It's a 365-day curriculum for those seeking to achieve spiritual transformation, and the book was revealed to the author. The underlying premise is that the greatest "miracle" is the act of simply gaining a full "awareness of love's presence" in one's own life. A miracle is a change in perception, that consequently changes one's response to the environment. 

The one that brought A Course In Miracles to the masses is the spiritual teacher, author, speaker and entrepreneur Marianne Williamson, in 2019 in the presidential race in the USA on the Democrats side, promoting a new paradigm, Politics of Love. 

Learning How To Learn, by McMaster Univ & Univ of California San Diego, 2017

This is a science based course by award winning professors Barb Oakley and Terry Sejnowski, teaching the fundament of brain power and sound mental tools to help you master tough subjects. As a lifelong student, hungry for new and complicated subjects every day, this is one of the most helpful programs I've ever taken.

Unleash The Power Within, Tony Robbins's immersive 3 day event, 2016

Unlike other personal development plans, Unleash the Power Within is an immersive experience that gives one decades of proven strategies over one long weekend. No matter what one wants in life – joy, love, passion, fulfilment – Unleash the Power Within gives one the drive and momentum to achieve it.  And yes, I literally walked on fire, I even have a diploma for this! 

Peter Sage's Business Academy, 2016

Originally called "Millionaires' Business School", the 3-day immersive program aimed to challenge the easy-to-get-rich-over-night-mindset and take the student on a journey of discovery into purpose and fulfilment. It's a unique program that teaches business and execution strategy starting with the right psychology. Which is the right order that I resonate with. 

University of Bucharest, Bachelor Degree in Sociology and Social Welfare, 1998-2002 

I specialised in Qualitative Research, Mass Media and Public Opinion. Throughout study years I've joined the research team within the Romanian Academy for Social Studies. In my 2nd year I knew I want to have a career in communication and storytelling, fascinated by the power of communication tools. 

University "Hyperion" Bucharest, Psychology, 1997

I studied the fundamentals of psychology for one year with the most renowned professor of psychology in Romania that time, Mielu Zlate. He was famous among students for only awarding C as the maximum grade, however I am proud to say that he awarded me a grade A for the final exam. 


Success means we go to sleep at night knowing that our talents and abilities were used in a way that served others. 

Marianne Williamson

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Mars Brand Logos Web Petcare Whiskers La
Mars Brand Logos Web Petcare Pedigree La
Mars Brand Logos Web Petcare Sheba Large
Mars Brand Logos Web Petcare Cesar Large
Mars Brand Logos Web Confectionery M&M L
Mars Brand Logos Web Confectionery Bount
Mars Brand Logos Web Confectionery Mars
Mars Brand Logos Web Confectionery Dove
Mars Brand Logos Web Confectionery Twix
Mars Brand Logos Web Confectionery 5 Gum
Mars Brand Logos Web Confectionery Extra
johnson's baby ok.png
MbT print fundal alb copy.jpg
Mars Brand Logos Web Petcare Dreamies La
Mars Brand Logos Web Confectionery Snick

Executive Coaching

- Group & Individual -

Change & Transformation Management

Hiring & Talent Strategy

Organisation & Process Design

Performance Management

Organisation Culture & Culture Transformation 

Leadership & Senior Management

Mentorship & People Management


Business Strategy

Integrated Marketing

Brand Strategy

Brand Communication Development & International Deployment

Social Media Marketing Strategy

Content Creation

Content Production

Content Writing

Content Management


Success without fulfilment is the ultimate failure.  

Tony Robbins


Liudmila Matei

Consciousness-based Coaching &  Education Programs



+44 (0) 771 589 56 24





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